General Manager
Synapse C is a non-profit organization recognized by the government of Quebec as a Center of digital excellence. We combine our expertise with the strengths of academia and data analytics professionals to help the cultural community describe, understand and predict the world from data. We help cultural organizations to find solutions and to take actions towards the valorization of their data.
Synapse C’s approach is entirely founded on the synergy of our partners who collaborate at all stages of the pooling of their data. We believe that the analytical, artistic and creative fields’ capacity to work together is key to success. We firmly believe in the cooperative construction of knowledge. Synapse C’s model prioritizes collective, cooperative projects and data analyses that have the potential to benefit multiple partners.
General Manager
Director of Development
Director of Innovation and Financing
Director of Consulting Services
Administrative Assistant
Research analyst and project manager
Project Manager and Organizational Development
Director of Philanthropy – Mission Old Brewery
Scientific Director – Fonds de recherche du Québec – Society and culture
President and CEO – Société de la Place des Arts de Montréal
Director of Strategic Development – Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles
General Manager – Société de gestion de la BTLF
Associate Professor – Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Professor – HEC Montréal – Marketing
Senior Director, Experience and Transformation, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ)
Deputy General Manager, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Being entrusted by the cultural field with its data, Synapse C guarantees a diligent, neutral, and safe research and analysis.
Synapse C ensures at all times the absolute confidentiality of any shared information, according to Canadian laws protecting personal Information.
With our analysts on hand to listen to your projects, we’ll help you define your expectations and develop your ideas.
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1435 rue Saint-Alexandre
Office 520
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2G4
(514) 742 8268